Hands-on, intensiveThe Department of Communication recognizes the sweeping changes occuring in various modes of communication as a result of technological revolution as it does in the case of evolving dynamics of communication.
It is these changes that make journalism & communication education exciting for both students & faculty members at the department. We, at the Department of Communication are acutely aware of our mission to train students to be successful communicators, irrespective of the sector they choose to specialise & pursue their careers in.
Accordingly, students are offered a fine balance of theory & practical inputs in these various areas by faculty trained in nationally & internationally reputed institutions & an array of distinguished practitioners. Further, since we firmly believe in making them industry-ready at the time of graduation, we also seek to provide expanded opportunities. Students get to participate in research & consultancy projects taken up by faculty members throughout the year. This is besides the various national & international seminars/conferences/colloquium that the department organises regularly.
An extended form of giving students an opportunity to apply their skills in compelling real world settings is Internships. Internships provide them valuable insights in a real-life, industry setting.
Radio/TV channels, production houses, NGOs, advertising, public relations, newspapers, digital media, internet, CSR wings of corporate houses, communication/media research houses etc. Students choose the area of work & the location in India.
We take internships seriously and have made it mandatory for every student to go through an internship for 4-6 weeks in communication-related organisations. They also get to earn FOUR CREDITS on successful & satisfactory completion of their internship.
At the end of the internship, the Department sends out evaluation forms to the employers. The evaluation is normally done by the internee’s immediate supervisor in the organisation & returned to the Internship Co-ordinator in confidence.